It is my opinion that
the British working people are being sold into slavery by the policies of the
very people that they have elected to look after their interests and protect
them. The Government is obsessed with attracting foreign investment but this
usually involves multinationals whose main interest is in ownership and
control. It is just another company to them, more interested in how it affects
their global status and bottom line than the people and communities that it
supports. Current events have shown how ruthless these companies can be when it
comes to paying taxes and closing businesses with large redundancies and
devastating social effects. It is time that politicians put the British working
people, who pay their wage, ahead of their personal ambitions.
normal understanding of investment is that people, companies, organisation or
even governments make available funds for a business or a project and in return
they receive a regular return or an enhanced amount at the end of an agreed
period. In certain cases the Investor may, depending on the level risk, require
securities, a percentage of the business or even direct involvement to monitor
their interests but in the case of foreign based multinational companies their main
interest is in ownership and control. There are many examples of all sorts of
promises being made during the negotiation stages but ignoring them when they
have control. Many British companies and brands have been purchased or taken
over and then changed without any form of involvement of the workforce and
workers rights, which have been fought for over many years, are just trampled
to the lack of forward vision by previous Governments, only being interested in
the immediate affect, sticky plaster solutions, rather than the long term
considerations, when things go wrong the workforce has no say and must accept
the consequences.