Wednesday, 20 January 2016




It is a sad state of affairs when the ordinary people feel that they have no say in what goes on in our country and how it will affect their lives and that of future generations. They are the people who are left to live with the consequences of decisions, that they are told have been made on their behalf, while the career politicians have moved on to the next phase of their ambitions. It is time that the ordinary people were given a voice and that it was listened to.

I was recently listening to a programme on BBC Radio 4 about the part played by lobbyists, who represent clients including corporations, trade groups, pressure groups and non profit organisations, in attempting to influence the Government to make decisions and legislation which will benefit their clients. During the course of the programme a lady, who represented a group who will be affected by the proposed route of the HS2 railway line, told how they had formed an opposition and organised events to raise awareness and money for a fighting fund. They had decided to use part of the money raised to pay for a lobbyist to put forward their case at the highest level possible and she justified this decision by saying that “We are only ordinary people and nobody will listen to us”.

I am sure that history can produce many examples of politicians making decisions and other people being left to deal with the consequences,  including Tony Blair’s open door policy in our relationship with the EU which has contributed to us now being the most densely populated country in the EU.

We need politicians who put the views of the ordinary people who elected them first and their own ambitions last.


James Hancock.


A Good Common Man

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