Thursday, 11 February 2016



There are a number of ways that ordinary people, who have a particular view, and who become frustrated because they are “only ordinary people and nobody listens to them”, can take in order to try to be heard. They can write letters to local and national newspapers, form organisations, arrange marches, raise fighting funds to pay lobbyists but the only ones that we ever get to hear about are the ones that become direct action activists because they are the ones that the media decide to consider as being newsworthy, not normally because of the message but because of the method chosen to highlight it. But now the establishment has decided to make an example of one of these groups, we can only assume to give a message to deter others, by threatening them to ‘expect jail’ for aggravated trespass and entering a security restricted area.

The group, Plane Stupid, cut through a perimeter fence at Heathrow Airport and thirteen activists chained themselves together on the north runway causing what was claimed to be disruption during their peaceful demonstration. In reality the Airport Authority, rather than pursuing the prosecution of these people should be GRATEFUL to the group for having highlighting a serious breach in their security and relieved that it wasn’t a group of terrorists who would have been spraying bullets and using explosives and the outcome could have been far more disruptive including wounding, destruction, devastation and even fatalities.

As a sign of their appreciation, Heathrow Airport should appeal to the court to have the threat of jail removed from these thirteen ordinary people who were only “ trying to be heard ” and in the process did them a great favour.

It was the airport’s responsibility to ensure no unauthorised access.

James Hancock.

A Good Common Man.

( Because of what happens when “good men do nothing“ Edmund Burke)

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