Tuesday, 15 March 2016




There are two main things that concern most ordinary people about themselves and their families, that is their health and their safety. They rely on the NHS, National Health Service, for their health and the Police Force for their safety. The Government has a responsibility to make sure that both of these services are adequately provided and funded to meet the demands that might be placed upon them. Constant tinkering by politicians, who’s main aim is to be seen to be doing something that will advance their career, reducing costs, improving efficiency etc. ends up with uncertainty and lack of moral, extra cost and inefficiency and reduced confidence by ordinary people.

There seems to be a lack of understanding on behalf of the Government as to how important to ordinary people both of these services are and there definitely seems to be a total lack of reality in there approach to both of them. They are putting pressure on both of them to reduce costs and increase efficiency which in the case of the NHS means reducing services available, reducing beds and putting out services to private providers, and the Police are reducing frontline officers, despite that at the time cuts were announced it wasn’t going to affect frontline services. If the Government continues with its policies, or lack of policies depending on how you look at the subject, on immigration which last year allowed the population to increase by 500,000 people, they are going to have to change the way that services, which are vital to ordinary people, are run and funded.

It is time for a serious rethink for both services and I would suggest that the Government stop having a direct involvement and for long term stability appoint a management board of professionals and people’s representatives, which is responsible to ordinary people and where people can be replaced if they don’t perform, and funded by a capitation system so that if the population continues to grow so will the funds available to provide for our health and our safety.

James Hancock.

A Good Common Man

( Because of what happens when “good men do nothing“ Edmund Burke)

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