Friday, 22 February 2019


BREXIT –   The BOTTOM LINE.                              

The BOTTOM LINE for the ORDINARY PEOPLE of the UK, who voted to LEAVE the European Union, the EU, in a clean break with no strings attached, is that we LEAVE on the 29th. March 2019. They DO NOT want to see the UK completely loose its identity by being absorbed into an undemocratic Franco-German United States of Europe. They DO want to see the UK regain its Independence, its Sovereignty and its place on the World Stage. They expect the politicians that they elected in 2017, on promises of honouring BREXIT, to carry out their duty and respect the wishes of the electorate.

These are mostly patriotic, honest, hard working, God fearing, tax paying citizens who over the last 40 years have seen their lives and that of their families, communities and country change. They appreciate that leaving with No Deal is not CRASHING OUT, as many of the Fanatical Remain Rebels would have us believe through their constant Scaremongering and Project Fear, as much work has been going on behind the scenes to enable a Managed No Deal to happen on WTO terms

In a People’s Vote, a referendum held on the 26th. June 2016, out of the 46 million people eligible to vote, only 16.1 million voted for the UK to REMAIN in the EU, which is only 35 per cent. Unfortunately it would appear that the majority of the MPs, thought to be around 60 per cent, want the UK to REMAIN in the EU and they are placing their personal agendas ahead of the wishes of their constituents. Now that THE PEOPLE have had their say, by voting to LEAVE the EU, they expect their MPs to respect that decision.

It needs to be made clear to Career Politicians that they were elected to represent the Constituency and that they should be responsible to the people who elected them. It is not acceptable to use the Party Machine, and the good will of the volunteers, to get themselves elected so that they can put their CV first, the party second and if there is any time left over the country third.

Many people either have a loved one, or know of somebody, who has served and been injured, suffered life changing injuries or made the ultimate sacrifice so that we can benefit from the advantages of FREEDOM, and it would be unforgivable for us to ignore their courage, efforts and sacrifices.


“When ordinary people do nothing the fanatics take over”. Edmund Burke


Ormskirk.                                                                                                     Ref: B90817


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Thursday, 14 February 2019


BREXIT –   WHAT ABOUT THE £48 billion PAID OUT BY THE UK GOVERNMENT EACH YEAR.                              

The UK Government gives away the first £48 billion of the money that it raises in taxes, approximately 8 per cent of the total, to rich people, bankers, investors and the worst part is that 28 per cent of that amount is given to foreign investors. Think what life would be like if the Government had an extra £48 billion to put into the economy to spend on the NHS, the Police Force, the Armed Forces, Education, Cash strapped Councils and Local Authorities etc.

So why do the Government have to give away so much of the money that they have raised in taxes before they have money to spend on the things that are important to the tax payers who have contributed to that amount. After 40 years as a member of the EU, one thing that we have been left with is a National Debt of £1.8 trillion, that is £1,800 billion. When the Conservatives took over from Labour, and there was that famous remark that there was no money left, not only had they spent all the money raised through taxation but it appears that they had borrowed £1 trillion, £1,000 billion, and spent all of that as well. While Gordon Brown appeared to managing our economy he was doing it on mostly borrowed money and we all know that eventually a day of reckoning will come around. Unfortunately due to certain things that had been put in place the Conservative Government, which always claims to be the Government of Low Taxation, didn’t appear to get control of the situation, despite introducing austerity measure and quantitive easing, still carried on borrowing and now that National Debt is at £1.8 trillion.

If we were to remain in the EU, with a National Debt of £1.8 trillion, nearly as big as our annual GDP figure, approximately 90 per cent which is higher than the 60 per cent limit set by the EU, and growing by the minute, which currently costs the UK £48 billion pre year in interest cost, 28 percent of which goes abroad to foreign investors, a trade deficit of £7 billion per month with the EU and the Government budget being in deficit and needing to be supported by further borrowing it would only be a matter of time before the UK exhausted its credibility and needed a BAIL-OUT from the EU. At that moment the UK would be finished on the world stage with no individual identity and absorbed as just a state of the EU. Any experience of austerity so far would be nothing compared to what would be imposed if the EU was given the total control of our affairs and the Euro was forced upon us, but imagine Germany’s approach if they were given the chance of dominating the UK

The whole situation appears to be a Lack of Management  by Governments.

“When ordinary people do nothing the fanatics take over”. Edmund Burke


Ormskirk.                                                                                                     Ref: B90616


Monday, 11 February 2019

BREXIT - The PEOPLE voted to Leave the EU.

BREXIT –   The PEOPLE voted to LEAVE the EU.                              

The People of the UK voted to LEAVE the European Union, the EU, in a People’s Vote, a referendum held on the 26th. June 2016. These are mostly patriotic, honest, hard working, tax paying citizens who over the last 50 years have seen their lives, and that of their families, communities and country change while having no say in what was happening. Now they have had their say by voting to LEAVE the EU, and they expect their MPs to respect that decision.

THE PEOPLE voted to leave the EU with no deal if that ended up being the only option left on the table. They appreciate that leaving with No Deal is not crashing out, as many of the Fanatical Remain Rebels would have us believe, as much work has been going on behind the scenes to enable a Managed No Deal to happen on WTO terms.  

THE PEOPLE were encouraged that following  a vote by 498 politicians Article 50 was triggered. It gave notice of the countries intention to leave and gave 2 years to negotiate an exit deal. When the UK triggered Article 50 the People thought that once in motion it could not be stopped or extended except by unanimous agreement. While it was expected that the period would be used to make agreements, there is no legal requirement to do so, and at the end of the period the country will leave with or without a deal. They also expected companies and civil servants to use the time to put in place what would be needed to ensure an organised departure. The default position is that we leave on the 29th. March 2019, any Agreements that could be made that would make our LEAVING easier or smoother would be appreciated but are not necessary. It would appear that we were lied to about that and instead of everybody working for the best deal for the UK, the Fanatical Remainer Rebels, the Pro-EU activists, are using political procedures to frustrate and alter that.

THE PEOPLE know that we are not leaving Europe. If it hadn’t been for the UK and its friends and allies from around the world there wouldn’t be a FREE EUROPE. Too many people spilt their blood and made the ultimate sacrifice to release countries from being controlled and run by Germany for us to turn our back on it. They know that we are leaving the European Union, the EU, and especially the direct control from Brusells, so that we do not become a Province in a German lead Superstate, the United States of Europe.

THE PEOPLE expect the politicians that they elected in 2017, on promises of honouring BREXIT, to carry out their duty and respect the wishes of the electorate.

“When ordinary people do nothing the fanatics take over”. Edmund Burke


Ormskirk.                                                                                                     Ref: B90515
