Sunday, 20 January 2019

BREXIT - Scaremongering, Project Fear and REALITY.

BREXIT –  Scaremongering, Project Fear and REALITY.


While the UK spends £20 billion a month with the EU, making it one of the largest customers that the EU has, there is no way that the 27 countries are going to allow France to cause major hold ups at the Port of Calais meaning that their produce rots and they don’t get paid. The REALITY is that it is all down to MONEY.

The Port of Calais authorities have recently announced that there will not be any major hold ups as they had been preparing for a no deal Brexit. No more trucks than at present would be stopped from crossing the channel and the main areas of concern would be veterinary and sanitary controls. Their main area of real concern was the fact that the UK Government were proposing to move trade away from Calais, investigating other possible routes to the continent, and the impact that it would have on them through a loss of revenue.

This would remove the concern about imports into the UK  and should remove the scaremongering regarding food and medical shortages. The area that could cause some concern is the fact that “European law says that all food and livestock exports from a third country to the EU have to be inspected 100 per cent and checked at a designated border inspection post”. As the UK is only 60 per cent self sufficient in food if this caused a problem then I am sure that we could absorb those exports into our system, which would reduce our dependency on imports, or redirect the sale of the products to the new market opportunities made available through the WTO.

There doesn’t appear to have been any consideration of the practical aspects of the UK leaving the EU, instead the bureaucrats appear to be more interested in how much money they can get out of the UK to avoid pending budget problems and being seen to be hard and difficult to discourage to the other 27 member countries from wanting to consider any similar type of action. There was never going to be a chance of us negotiating a meaningful agreement with the EU, or support from other countries while most of them are net beneficiaries and not likely to question or vote against Brussels and since Brexit Germany and France have received larger payments.

In a recent European Commission Study, which was reported in the Sunday Express 30th. December 2018, “Brussels only trusted by 40 % of EU citizens”, it showed that only 31% of UK citizens trusted Brussels. This is directly in line with the the result of the referendum where only 35% of the UK electorate voted to remain in the EU.

 We want to remain an active part of Europe but not be controlled by the Brussels.

“When ordinary people do nothing the fanatics take over”. Edmund Burke


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