Sunday, 13 January 2019

BREXIT - What About the £20 billion each Month.

BREXIT –  What About the £20 billion each Month.


The UK spends £20 billion a month with the EU, making it one of the largest customers that the EU has.


During the discussions and negotiations  over the last two and a half years I have heard very little reference to this fact. The way that the EU has treated the UK over the last period, especially since the people voted to leave the EU, is not the way that any organization, or business, would normally treat one of its largest customers, especially when they spend nearly one quarter of a trillion pounds each year. You would expect them to be making the right noises and using a positive approach to try to retain, and possibly even expand, that business in the future after the UK has left the EU, especially as UK politicians appear to have an obsession with spending UK taxpayers money abroad.

 Instead the bureaucrats appear to be more interested in how much money they can get out of the UK to avoid pending budget problems and being seen to be hard and difficult to discourage to the other 27 member countries from wanting to consider any similar type of action. There was never going to be a chance of us negotiating a meaningful agreement with the EU. Being seen to have given the UK any sort of favorable deal and then the UK go on to be successful is the very last thing that the bureaucrats in Brussel want to happen and therefore it is in their interests to be as difficult as possible and place as many obstacles as possible in the way. The main problem which the UK politicians seem to have missed, or choose to ignore, is that Michel Barnier, the EU’s main negotiator, was given the outcome of the negotiations and told to fill in the gaps to justify it and he appears to have done exactly that..

There was no reference to having a deal that would benefit Big Business, Big Banks and Financial Institutions, the Rich and Powerful, Fat Cats, Celebrities, those who make a profit directly from our membership and pressure groups who act through Lobbyists. We voted to Leave the EU and we want our Sovereignty, an end to free movement and full control of our borders, our Fishing Rights, our right to Trade with who we choose, our right to our own Laws, control of our money and most importantly our Independence With NO Strings Attached.

We are not leaving Europe, we are leaving the European Union, the EU . If it hadn’t been for the UK and its friends and allies from around the world there wouldn’t be a FREE EUROPE. Too many people spilt their blood and lost their lives to release countries from being controlled and run by Germany for us to turn our back on it.

 We want to remain an active part of Europe but not be controlled by the Brussels.

“When ordinary people do nothing the fanatics take over”. Edmund Burke



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