Thursday, 31 January 2019


BREXIT –   TIME TO END  50  YEARS OF  LIES.                              

Since we started the last 50 years of closer association with our European neighbours across the channel we have been involved in one continuous flow of lies. The only truth is that we should never have joined the Common Market, which turned into the European Union, in the first place.

It all started in the early nineteen seventies when Ted Heath, the then Prime Minister, lied to Parliament to get them to agree to the UK joining the Common Market, which it did on 1st. January 1973.

There was a certain amount of unrest in the country over the way that the UK had been taken into the Common Market and in 1975, Harold Wilson, the then Prime Minister, agreed to hold a Referendum on 5th. June with the simple question to REMAIN or to LEAVE. The result was 67 per cent in favour of REMAIN. Note that there were no protest about the result as the REMAIN campaigners, the then
Pro-European Activists, had got the result that they wanted.

Unfortunately at the time the electorate were not made aware of what had happened and that by voting REMAIN they were agreeing to the UK participating in a process that would change from a Trading Agreement into a Political involvement in a Federal States of Europe with Germany at its head. If they had been made aware of this intention there is a good chance that virtually nobody would have voted to REMAIN. There were a few people who tried to question where this might end up but they were shut down by claims that it was “Purely a Trading Agreement”.

The lies continued as political change moved on and we were told that the UK would remain a Sovereign Nation and benefit from being part of a large, stable and successful International association. There was never any mention of the fact that the UK being involved gave the EU a certain amount of credibility around the world. John Major, the then Prime Minister, actually lied to us when he signed the Maastrict Treaty, which he told us was a “tidying up exercise”, but actually transferred OUR SOVERERGNTY from London to Brussels.

Despite the commitment made to the electorate by David Cameron, the then Prime Minister, after having announced the Referendum that “ This is your decision. The Government will implement what you decide “, it is rumoured that he also made a promise to certain politicians and the EU that there was nothing to fear from giving the Ordinary People this vote. There were many lies told in the run up to the referendum in a campaign of Project Fear and Scaremongering which all ended up being unfounded.

On the 23rd. June 2016 the people of the UK voted in a Referendum, a “Peoples Vote”, with a simple choice to REMAIN or to LEAVE, and they voted by a reasonable majority to LEAVE the EU in a clean break with NO ties, a “NO DEAL BREXIT”, to take back OUR Sovereignty, our national INDEPENDENCE and become an Global trading nation once again.
Following  a vote by 498 politicians Article 50 was triggered. It gives notice of a countries intention to leave and gives 2 years to negotiate an exit deal. When the UK triggered Article 50 it was thought that once in motion it could not be stopped or extended except by unanimous agreement. While it is expected that the period would be used to make agreements, there is no legal requirement to do so, and at the end of the period the country will leave with or without a deal. It would appear that we were lied to about that and the Fanatical Remainer Rebels are using political procedures to frustrate and alter that.

While over 400 parliamentarians voted to allow the Referendum to go ahead, they totally miscalculated the mood in the country towards the EU, and there is no way that they expected the result that they got. There is no way that certain members of the political elite, Pro-EU Activists, with personal interests in the EU, and career politicians with promises of lucrative career prospects, were going to accept anything other than a REMAIN vote.

There is no way that the British People want to be part of a European Union Superstate. They owe it to the people who made the ultimate sacrifice to secure and maintain our freedom, to break away from what successive Governments have got us into. We joined a trading agreement in good faith, perhaps in retrospect we were a bit naïve to expect something that sounded good to actually be so, but things were very different then, and we are still keen to involved in a Trading Agreement. We are not leaving Europe, we consider ourselves to be an integral part having fought for its freedom as well as our own, we are leaving the EU, and especially the direct control fro Brusells, so that we do not become a Province in a German lead Superstate, the United States of Europe. The EU already has its own flag, anthem, parliament, currency, embassies, executive laws and civil service, and now it is planning, following the signing of an agreement between Germany and France,, to create its own army. History would never forgive us if we voluntarily allowed the British Armed Forces to be controlled by Germany. There was life before the EU and Britain managed to enter unchartered areas and in most cases profit from the experience.

The Ordinary People have been heard but there is no way that they are being listened to, and yet again they are being lied to. The British people do not like being lied to but this time they are annoyed and frustrated because they are facing a revolt by the political elite, against their wishes, and they appear, despite having won the vote, to have NO CONTROL over how it is being handled.

MPs are meant to be the servants of the people, not the masters.
“When ordinary people do nothing the fanatics take over”. Edmund Burke


Ormskirk.                                                                                                     Ref: B90514


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