Having been a
member of the EU for over we have been left with a national debt of over £1.7
trillion that is increasing at the rate of over £5,000 per. second and costs us
£48 billion each year just to service, which adds to the government budget
deficit, a trading deficit with the EU that costs us over £7 billion each month
and the population of the UK currently increasing by 500,000 each year.
The reality of the
matter is that “ The EU Model doesn’t work for the UK ”. We need to free ourselves
from the system that is causing this and Leave the EU. If we decide to remain a
member of the EU we will be absorbed as a federal state of a Franco-German
dominated EU, the membership rules will be changed and our rebate and grants in
danger, making the £360m per. week just a minimum figure. If we want to object
or change anything we will be told that we had our chance and chose to be ruled
by the EU.
I do not want us
to adopt the model chosen by Norway ,
not even the model chosen by Switzerland
but ironically I would like us to adopt the model chosen by Germany which
made them the largest manufacturer and exporter in the EU. When Germany was
having financial problems some years ago they chose a model which concentrated
all their efforts and resources on developing a manufacturing base which
allowed them to produce enough for their own needs, reducing their dependency
on imports and only importing what they couldn’t produce for themselves, and
then more to be able to export. David Cameron is on record as having admired
the model adopted by Germany
but chose to ignore adopting free trade over fair trade with the consequences
that we are now faced with. Allowing dairy farmers, who in some cases are
second or even third generation, to loose there farms and traditional
livelihoods so that we can import milk from France is not my version of being
A Good Common Man.
( Because of what happens when “good men do nothing“
Edmund Burke)
( Ref: DE62454)
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