were promised a Referendum that would be non political, where the people of the
UK were given the facts about our current membership of the EU and what we
could expect if we were to continue, and what would be the reasons for us to
leave the EU and the advantages of
becoming an independent country making our own way in the world. People
could then make a rational decision on what they thought would be best for the
country as a whole and their own family, friends, colleagues and communities in
particular. What we have ended up with is politicians fighting amongst
themselves, giving us their versions of what is important and using tactics
like scaremongering to try to achieve
their goals. While this is going on they appear to be missing what the real
problem is and what we can do to solve it.
In reality “ THE REAL PROBLEM IS ” that the UK is effectively “ BANKRUPT ”.
After 40years as a member of the EU the UK’s NATIONAL DEBT is £1.7tn., that is
£1,700,000,000,000, over £27,000 for every man, woman and child or over £47,000
for every tax-payer, and it is currently increasing at the rate of £5,170 per
second. We currently pay £48 billion pounds each year, 8% of what we collect in
taxes, to Bankers and investors to service this debt and it is set to increase
to £60 billion by the year 2020.
figures from the ONS for April 2016 issued on 09/06/2016 show that the UK imported
£19.1 billion from the EU, equivalent to £294 per head and exported £12 billion
to the EU, equivalent to £24 per head, making us a net importer of £7.1, money
that has to be borrowed and adds to our National Debt. Our total trade exports
were £25 billion showing that less than half of our exports actually go to the
need positive action to stop reckless borrowing that achieves nothing and makes
things worse, hidden behind a screen of smoke and mirrors.
A Good Common Man.
( Because of what happens when “good men do nothing“
Edmund Burke)
( Ref: DE62456)
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