Tuesday, 14 June 2016



We hear a lot of different views about future trading with the EU and our access to the market with 550m customers. Wolfgang Schauble has slammed the door on UK access to the single market. It should be brought to people’s attention that as far as the EU should be concerned we are a customer. Latest statistics, produced on 9th. June 2016, show that during April 2016 we imported £19.1bn. from the EU and exported £12bn. to the EU, making us a net importer of £7.1bn., this is just for one month and is an increase over the previous month and over April 2015.

The reality of the matter is that even as a non member country I cannot see that countries like Germany are going to want to stop supplying cars and commercial vehicles, France its milk and produce, Spain its fruit, Denmark its bacon to name a few. Spain, Greece and Portugal are not going to want to stop the lucrative holiday business. Therefore there is going to have to be some form of reciprocal trading agreements, either collectively or as individuals.

We buy more off the other 27 countries that they buy off us and after 40 years of being a member of this trading organisation you would have expected it to at least be on an equal basis and not constantly operating as a trading deficit. As these trading deficits have to be paid for by borrowing and that contributes to our National Debt. This type of situation cannot continue for much longer and it is time to face up to the fact that the EU model does not work for the UK.

The Government is going to have to have to stop spending UK taxpayers money abroad and consider the consequences of their actions. I would rather see the police driving around in Nissans, Toyotas and Discovery 4X4s manufactured in the UK and providing UK manufacturing jobs, than being in BMWs.

James Hancock.


A Good Common Man.

( Because of what happens when “good men do nothing“ Edmund Burke)

( Ref: DE62453)

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