Thursday, 16 June 2016



The main thing that will loose the “leave campaign” a unanimous vote in the referendum is the people’s fear of what to expect in “ life after the EU Vote ”. Unfortunately it is a fact that “frightened people always vote for the bully” and we know who the bully is in this matter despite the “in campaign” claiming that fear would play no part in their campaign. The people need to be given both sides of the argument in clear language that ordinary people can understand to allow them to make an independent decision on what they think is best for the UK as a whole and them and their family and friends in particular.

The “leave campaign” have to be seen to be singing off the same hymn sheet. It is the message that matters more than the messenger and ordinary people are not going to support a cause just because they recognise the person giving it. A number of people are keen to tell us what life could be like if we vote to stay in the EU, much of the same as we have experienced over the last 40 years, but nobody seems as keen to tell us what “life outside of the EU” will be like for the ordinary people. What are the main problems and what is leaving going to do to help us solve them Introducing a few new laws and redirecting some of the savings from the membership cost to the NHS isn’t going to cut it for those who want to know how living standards will be affected for the ordinary people.

Ordinary people can see the possibility that things might change for them if they vote to leave the EU as their lives have been better than they are today. They are only ordinary people and nobody listens to them, especially the political class, but now they have a chance to be heard but whether anybody will actually listen to them is a different story. The Vote Leave people need to listen to their concerns and give reassurances to these ordinary people.

James Hancock.

A Good Common Man.

( Because of what happens when “good men do nothing“ Edmund Burke)

( Ref: DE62455)

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